This situation with Pleasure P is only getting worst, and the bad thing is with all this documentation coming out I still don't want to believe it. Really 3 and 4 year old boys and girls P? Here are how other bloggers are reporting this story.
Via Mediatakeout (which I understand is not a credible sourcse, but they seem to be saying the same as credible ones):
Some very SERIOUS accusations are being levied against R&B singer Pleasure P (Gov't name, Marcus Cooper). The rumor mill is BUZZING with allegations that he acted INAPPROPRIATELY with at least two children, a boy aged 3 and a girl aged 4.
The rumors of Pleasure P's inappropriate behavior have been around for many years. But they heated up in early 2007 - right around the time that Pleasure P was asked to leave his group - Pretty Ricky.
Now these are VERY serious allegations, and because up until now, we were never able to locate ANY information or documents linking Pleasure P with any child sexual abuse, we've refrained from reporting on them.
But now, MediaTakeOut.com has gotten its hands on one. In the below document, it shows that Pleasure P's 3 year old nephew was REMOVED from his parents and placed in a shelter. And in the removal docs, the court SPECIFICALLY forbids Pleasure from coming in contact with the child - implying that he acted inappropriately in the past.
And there's more proof, Pleasure P's bandmates are NOT Commenting OR DENYING the rumors. In fact, they have come out SPECIFICALLY to say that they KICKED HIM OUT of the group. Here's their statement:
"Unfortunately, due to Pleasure P’s lawyer filing an injunction against us from speaking, we are not at liberty to speak about the case.
How ever we will let it be known that we did kick him out of the group, he did not leave on is own free will. We did a deal with Atlantic via Craig Calman that we would let him out of the group if they bought out his contract with us and Blue Star which is the official label of Pretty Ricki.
We are not at liberty to discuss why we kicked him out of the group.”
This is very disturbing!! For now, we're going to consider Pleasure P innocent. But dude really needs to come out and EXPLAIN THIS MESS . . . cause it don't look good AT ALL!!!
And then there's NecoleBitchie:
Here’s a letter NecoleBitchie.com received detailing everything that’s going on with the Pleasure P Child Molestation Drama that hit the web earlier today.:
Hey Necole,
I know you heard a lot about the whole “Pretty Rickey/Pleasure P” child molestation drama. Well I am VERY close to the situation and BOTH parties and I want you to understand that it is ALL true. Not speculation or anything. He was convicted. The problem lies in Blue Star Entertainment, the label that housed and groomed Pretty Ricky. They paid a substantial amount of money to have these documents sealed back in 2006. [<==see Pretty Ricky member Diamond Blue's response to this below] The label wanted to keep the aura of Pleasure in the group and figured since he was signed basically for life that they would recoup the cost. Well, this was not the case as the other members of Pretty Ricky started separating themselves from Marcus “Pleasure P” Cooper as time went on. This eventually lead to them riding in separate cars to shows, arguing amongst themselves to them even jumping him (Pleasure P) at one point. This lead to him leaving the group but he is still very much contracted to Blue Stars Entertainment for 5 albums.
Here’s what happened: When he was 16 going on 17, he was left alone with his niece and nephew with whom he touched and penetrated with fingers on several occasions. His aunt noticed his niece complaining of her genital area hurting, when asked what happened she replied “Uncle Marcus keeps touching me and he hurt me”. Of course Marcus (Pleasure P) denied the allegations but the doctor found signs that she had vaginal damage and tearing. Charges were then pursued by the State of Florida.
The incident happened in 2004 going into 2005. He served like 8 months, rehab and community service by time the trial came up. Marcus accepted a plea with the State of Florida and Joseph Smith who is the care giver of the niece and nephew which Marcus “Pleasure P” Cooper molested. These are not the only papers filed against him. These are the first of 3. As part of the plea agreement Marcus plead guilty and paid an “undisclosed amount” to remain free and have the records “sealed” and on the family level for them to remain quiet and not to speak publicly about it. The “sealed document” means nothing other than “we won’t tell anyone it’s here..but if they find it they can have it” basically. The problem also is that Attorney Goldstein (Who represented Marcus “Pleasure P” Cooper in the trial) has a daughter named Laura Goldstein who is also her fathers assistant. Marcus Cooper never completed his payments after the hearing to his attorney.
Attorney Goldstein tried to reach out to Marcus only to be told “Don’t call this phone no more” on several occasions. This caused frustration on Attorney Goldstein’s ends due to the time & effort he put into this “special plea bargain” he negotiated that I don’t think ANY attorney could have done. After Attorney Goldstein threatened to sue Marcus Cooper the “alleged threats” became real from Coopers end. I have personally heard these messages and I know who they are from and they are very disturbing. Especially to an attorney who can use them against you.
Laura Goldstein felt her father was not doing enough to stop the threats as they began to increase so she took to twitter (her twitter is @AGoldsteinGirl) to “expose” Marcus “Pleasure P” Cooper in a way that was sure to make him “go away”. Now all the documents from the initial hearing have been released and there is plenty more evidence out there I assure you. Everyone involved including Spectacular (Pretty Ricky) have commented via twitter on the documents in shock thinking they would never get out.
The next problem is whether Laura Goldsteins father will have to pay the ultimate price of getting disbarred for breaking Attorney Client Privilege or will it be deemed public domain? I don’t know, but I do know both parties and its about to get ugly. I will keep you up to speed if anything else jumps off.
Name Withheld
I have no comment right now. Pleasure P is an artist I have supported and I’m really trying to grasp my head around all this.
Updated to say: I have had additional sources contact me after I posted the email and it seems as though they have been trying to keep this under wraps for awhile now. However, I will say that the dates are off as Pleasure P is 24 and for him to be a minor when the incidents happened, they’d have to take place in or before 2002. By the time this went to trial 2006 (on the documents), he would have been 21. hmmmm
Another update: Group member Diamond Blue (Pretty Ricky) hit me on twitter and wanted to clear up the part about Bluestar wanting the documents sealed. According to Diamond Blue, they did not want the documents sealed and Bluestar Entertainment supported Pretty Ricky kicking him out of the group. It was P’s lawyers that sealed the documents.
I’ll attempt to keep you posted on any new developments, statements etc. I hear the child’s mother has an interview set up that will be released soon. *sigh* I will say this, this whole situation seems to be a part of a well thought out smear campaign. That’s all I’m going to say..
Word on the Streets Magazine first broke the story. Check out these articles below:
Rumor: Is Pleasure P A Child Molester
Spectacular admits to Pleasure P’s documents being sealed
UPDATED: Pleasure P has issed a statement:
“All of the recent rumors and accusations that are being circulated about me are 100% false. They are disgusting and vile; and they are being spread by individuals with their own sick agendas. The purported documents that are also being circulated are forgeries. I have never met or known anyone by the name of “AGoldstein” or Laura Goldstein or Ashley Goldstein, which I believe are fictitious names. I have never been represented by an attorney named Goldstein. For someone to go to such depths to assassinate my character and slander my good name is truly criminal. My attorneys are investigating this matter and will take all necessary and appropriate action to protect my name and reputation.”
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