So my boy sent this to me. All instigating and stuff. LOL
But really Rih? I guess this is why they call her a "part-time role model".
I say it's Caribbean “Ginger Beer” or soda...
“… I’ll see you in a year with a new album”
“Yes Get Back out Here!! I mean in 1 month U write for Janet, then Jlo and then leave!! C’mon we got Beyoncé to do!!!”
“None of the other girls are speaking to Nicole, who they believe took the limelight, then went off to do her own thing.”
On the pics of her grabbing boobs online:
There are tons of those pictures. I grab boobies all the time, I’m obessesed. I don’t have much so anytime I see a good rack I’m like “wow, I wish mine looked and felt like that”. Women are beautiful. I’m not into them but they are hot.
On her nude photos leaking:
Which ones? The hot ones? They should be hot, they were for my boyfriend at the time. If you don’t send your boyfriend naked pictures then I feel bad for him. Trust me I was [freaked out], that was the worst thing that could possibly ever happen to me. I just feel like my privacy was taken before that and then when that came out I was like “Oh great! So, Now there is nothing they don’t know about my private life”. It was humiliating and embarrassing, especially my mom having to see that and it was two days before Mother’s Day so I was nervous…
On what people think about her:
I am misunderstood a lot at times. My music, my image. People have their whole thing about me. Whether it be me being a devil worshiper or whatever the hell. I’m just being me and I’m just making music the way I would without any influences. Just me and my personal life. I just said everything I wanted to say. I even cursed a few times.
On the flack from the Diane Sawyer Interview:
I expected that. It’s an obvious thing to do. They think that I have an agenda to destroy his career and that’s not what that interview was about for me. There are more creative ways to do that. That interview was solely about these young girls. Just inspiring them and being the voice for them and talking about my situation so that they can have something to hold on to. The hotline went up crazy because finally they had the courage to call the hotline and say “I’m going through this, I want to get out of this relationship”. I mean women who wanted to commit suicide so say what you want but we are saving lives here.
On taking responsibility for being in a dysfunctional relationship:
It was a learning experience for the both of us. There was a lot of insecurities and control issues but it was definitely a learning experience because in relationships in the future I know to watch out for certain things. A lot of those were signs. I learned that in the end. There were signs..
On being a role model:
What’s your definition of a role model? I represent a lot of things. I’m also realistic in the lifestyle. I’m not a saint and everyone knows that. I can only be myself. It’s nothing I want more than for everyone to be themselves. Another thing, for the past 8 months, everything I’ve been through, It’s led me to this whole “I don’t give an F” attitude because people say things all the time. Even when you try to please them, it’s something else so the only thing you can do is be you. They are always going to say something so all I can do is be me.
On Dating Tristan, Drake, Rasheed, & Andrew:
I don’t have [Tristan's] phone number. Give me someone that’s hot and older. Me and Drake are still friends actually. [We hung out] a few times but no, never. Rasheed Lewis. Never even met him but apparently I was trying to break up his family. Andrew Bynum, we went on two dates apparently. Never met him either. I’m actually not dating. I just flirt…
On her break up with Chris Brown:
It was difficult. It was a difficult process and a long one. Also my music helped me alot. Being in the studio was therapeutic. I got to vent. There was no cameras, there was no media. You don’t even realize when you are okay cause in your mind it’s just a fight non-stop with yourself trying to get through it and then one day you’ll see something and it doesn’t have the same effect on you as before, it’s like “wooooow”. I’ve gotten over it and now I’m free of that.
On why her hand was covering her eye on the album cover:
Because I am a devil worshiper what are you talking about (in a joking voice)