Via Bossip:
"A girl on twitter is claiming that Pleasure P, former member of Pretty Ricky, is a child molester. Her dad was the attorney that was handling the case and apparently the bill has not been paid.
Florida attorney who allegedly represented P in the case and the assistant claims to have documented proof that Mr. Cooper molested several children while he was a member of the group: “My dad was being paid to cover it up but they owe my dad a lot of money and now they don’t want to pay him. I first overheard my dad say that it was someone famous but I found out who he was talking about. This guy Pleasure P got kicked out of a group because he was hiding that he was a child molester.
His managers or whatever hired my dad to keep it quiet so he could get a record deal. The guy Pleasure P molested a 4 yr old child and was about to molest another one when police came and saved the child.
Now, the truth is out they’re threatening my family and telling my dad he’s going to get sued.
Also, the girl hit Spectacular up on Twitter and asked him: @IamSpectacular Is there a reason why everyone in the world is talking about your brother Pleasure P the child molester & ya’ll don’t know?
His response to her was:
Then on top of all that Pretty Ricky puts out an official statement about the situation:Unfortunately due to Pleasure P’s lawyer filing an injunction against us from speaking, we are not at liberty to speak about the case.” How ever we will let it be known that we did kick him out of the group, he did not leave on is own free will. We did a deal with Atlantic via Craig Calman that we would let him out of the group if they bought out his contract with us and Blue Star which is the official label of Pretty Ricki. We are not at liberty to discuss why we kicked him out of the group. ~ Pretty Ricky
WoW!!! That’s some serious allegations BUT what we don’t understand is, if you have the documents proving that he molested children, why not release the documents????
Something sounds kind of funny about this whole situation but you never know!!!
What do ya’ll think???"
Wow What Do Ya'll Think?...Hope Tha's Not True...SMH
Updated: Pleasure P has issued a statement:
“All of the recent rumors and accusations that are being circulated about me are 100% false. They are disgusting and vile; and they are being spread by individuals with their own sick agendas. The purported documents that are also being circulated are forgeries. I have never met or known anyone by the name of “AGoldstein” or Laura Goldstein or Ashley Goldstein, which I believe are fictitious names. I have never been represented by an attorney named Goldstein. For someone to go to such depths to assassinate my character and slander my good name is truly criminal. My attorneys are investigating this matter and will take all necessary and appropriate action to protect my name and reputation.”
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