I learned today during my morning research that Jennifer Lopez is being sued by the very man that so-called tried to release a sex tape of her. He is filling a counter suit against the "I'm Real" singer and her father, business partner, lawyer and their firm. On what grounds you ask? For "intentionally interfering in the production of his documentary."
Oh yeah for $100 MILLION!!!!!
For those of you not caught up on the JLo drama, here we go. Back before JLo was a household name she married this "strapping" fellow Ojani Noa. It didn't last long and they slip. Well now this gentleman has been trying to release private footage of Jenn that is said to be sex tape like. So to keep him from doing so Lopez has sued him. There, all caught up in a nut shell.
Now he's suing her. crazy.
"Were also suing for fraud." Ed Meyer Noa's agent said. And he has more to say:"We believe that Jlo's attorney did not meet the judge's extended deadline to file his Proofs of Service, so the TRO and OSC (Order to Show Cause) should legally not go forward on Tuesday,"
he continued."I believe that I have an unalienable First Amendment right to enter the JLo home videos into the public court record, so as to defend myself," Meyer continues. "If Judge Chalfant has a problem with this, he can have me hauled out of the courtroom in handcuffs in front of the world media."
Oh and now Noa claims it was never a sex tape!!!
"They think I have a sex tape with her and that I'm trying to sell it," Noa said. "My tape is from our honeymoon, the wedding, us hanging out. There's no nudity—maybe one spanking."
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